Join NYCLSA Today!
Membership runs from July 1st to June 30th, although individuals may join at any point throughout the year. NYCLSA has four categories of individual membership, but all members receive the same benefits. Simply complete the membership application and process your payment online via PayPal. If you or your organization prefer paying by check or you would like to explore an institutional membership for five or more people at a single college, university or non-profit, please contact our VP of Membership, Samantha Trumble.
Full-Time Active Professional ($35)
Those individuals who are actively involved full-time in post-secondary developmental studies programs or in the administration of them, or those who are otherwise interested in the purpose of NYCLSA. |
Part-Time/Adjunct Active Professional ($20)
Those individuals who are actively involved part-time in post-secondary developmental studies programs or in the administration of them, or those who are otherwise interested in the purpose of NYCLSA. |
Retired Professional ($20)
Those who continue to enhance post-secondary education for students in need of developmental and learning assistance or who are otherwise interested in the purpose of NYCLA and who are 55 years of age or more and formally retired from their careers. |
Student ($15)
Those who are training for or working in careers in developmental studies areas or disciplines related to the student learning processes and who are enrolled in appropriate coursework either full-or-part-time. |
NYCLSA now offers institutional membership options. If several members of your institution would like to join NYCLSA together, you may want to consider a group membership option. When four full-time faculty/staff members from an institution join using the full-time group membership form, the institution is eligible for one free membership at any level (full-time, part-time, retired, student). When four part-time faculty/staff members from an institution join using the part-time group membership form, the institution is eligible for one free part-time, retired, or student membership.
Membership Benefits & Paying Dues
NYCLSA members have many opportunities to further advance their understanding of learning assistance, tutoring, student success centers and designs, and developmental or preparatory education. NYCLSA members network with others in the study of theory and practice. NYCLSA member benefits include:
- Newsletters published every fall and spring semester
- Semi-annual journal - Forum for International Research in Teaching and Learning (FIRST), formerly RTDE
- Reduced registration fee at annual Symposium
- A voice in officers and business at annual meetings
- Opportunity for participation as an officer, chair, committee member, or regional representative
- Opportunities to apply for NYCSLA scholarship to fund professional development activity
- Opportunities to submit a student for the NYCLSA student scholarship
- Access to regional professional activities throughout the year
- Involvement at the national level through the International College Learning Center Association (ICLCA), formerly NCLCA