The New York College Learning Skills Association (NYCLSA) seeks presentations proposals for its
upcoming in-person conference at the Radisson Corning on Friday, November 12, 2021. Our conference theme is Moving Forward: Rethinking Community to Support Our Students. As we find our way through the new normal of a post-pandemic, twenty-first century world, we have much to think about, but it all seems to come back to community. What have we learned about building community in our classrooms and centers that should inform our practices moving forward? How can we support students as they return to campus or perhaps arrive on campus for the first time? How have our institutional and departmental communities changed? How can we respond to these changes? These are just a few of the questions we are all struggling with as we begin moving forward. Proposals should focus on one of the following three themes: 1. Revisioning Our Teaching and Tutoring 2. Responding to Students’ Needs 3. Recentering Ourselves and Our Organizations Proposals can select one of the following formats:
All proposals should be submitted by September 17, 2021, and the Conference Proposal Review Committee will confirm presenters by October 1, 2021. To submit a proposal please complete the online NYCLSA 2021 Conference Proposal form. For inquiries regarding the conference, please contact Nichole LaGrow, current NYCLSA President. |
February 2023